Lead Generation - How The Reverse Funnel System Can Market Your Opportunity

Coming from a point of logic, if you generate leads, you may as well get as much mileage from your lead generation as possible; if someone does not want what you are offering, then offer them something else.

The Reverse Funnel System has an incredible way of doing just that!

Have a quick listen to this audio I did, in a few minutes you will understand how to make this work for you; lower your costs and increase your personal profits without changing opportunities.

(by the way, try Audio Acrobat for free, it is cool)

Now you know how you can get 4 times the number of leads with the same markting budget and how to offer multiple products / services to the exact same lead base, giving them many opportunities to buy from you. This is profiting from Lead Generation made easy...

Pay Less In Taxes

The reason so many people are getting started in their own businesses at this time of year is they pay less in taxes.

When you start a business and buy your own product in 2007, you are able to write it off as a business expense and although you are benefiting from the product, you are able to write off the money spent against the taxes you have paid, or would have paid on the cash outlaid for that product.

Smart business people are always looking for tax write-offs, so naturally they will find ways to personally benefit while getting their tax breaks.

I would like to ensure that you do this right, so be certain to run all this by your accountant to ensure that you are doing things to your best advantage.

So, if you would like top pay less in taxes this year and have more buying power with your money. Get into a business and buy your own products.

Here is a great business, with a great product for you to get started on:

Reverse Mortgage Or Reverse Funnel System?

If you are in the position in your life where you are seriously looking to reverse mortgage your home... STOP!

There is a much better way than eating up the equity in your home.

You can still be retired and earn money, while you travel the World and live the wonderful life of retirement that you worked so hard for.

We are retired and were looking into getting access to more money, we considered a reverse mortgage. It seemed like a good idea, then we thought instead about adding money into our pot, instead of dipping into the one we had.

We did not want the typical home business; you know, they say you work 15 - 20 hours per week and end up working more than at a job...

You know what I mean, we have all done those before. :(

Although we set a specific criteria, for two years fell into the trap that I just described, until recently! We found the Reverse Funnel System; a program that is 100% Automated and the only work we put into it is simply the advertising of the initial site (click here to see what it looks like) and the system takes care of the rest.

Recently we took ourselves to Australia, Hawaii and Mexico and in the last couple years have been to South Africa and London too. Every time we went away, we found ourselves having to play catch up with our business when we got home.

Man, is momentum hard to re-gain.

We are currently planning a trip to Rome, Italy in March, a couple of months after we return home from a Cruise, but we will be able to have our marketing work taken care of ahead of time and simply look to our bank account and see the money coming in.

This is not a get rich scheme, it does take concentrated efforts, but the good news is, it does produce high, thousand dollar profits off of a system that does not depend on me moving it along. After I get people started in the front end of the funnel, the Reverse Funnel System takes them through the rest.

Now we are truly mobile, we can live our lives and make some good money to support a fabulous lifestyle without eating the kids inheritance.

The question was Reverse Mortgage Or Reverse Funnel System. If I were you, I would choose: http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca

PS. We are just a couple of Baby Boomer's who found a simple business that only takes a couple hours each day to do. My hours are completely flexible and so is the locations that I can work from anywhere I choose to go. We get to live this lifestyle thanks to the Reverse Funnel System

10 Things You Need To Do To Succeed In Business

  1. Take Action
  2. Take Action
  3. Take Action
  4. Take Action
  5. Take Action
  6. Take Action
  7. Take Action
  8. Take Action
  9. Take Action
  10. Repeat
Take Action Now, Click Here:
http://www.Reverse FunnelSystem.ca

Phase 3: "Duplication: How To Develop Your Team"

The real key to success in business is leverage, or commonly referred to in the home business industry as "Duplication." In this Blog, you will learn how to develop your team with the Reverse Funnel System in a way that up until now took hours of work and effort on your part and is seen and referred to as one of the largest sink holes for the home business entrepreneur.

Let's take a quick peek at how this whole thing works; you find a business to do, start doing it, get good at it, find some people that are willing to do it too, then comes years of hand holding, coaching, mentoring, counseling and so on just to keep these people in your business.


That sounds worse than a crappy job, right?

A perfect business is one that is, well, perfect, so let's just forget about that fantasy.

There are no perfect businesses out there, if there were, then "everyone would be doing it and then it would be saturated"; the last guy in would get skru'd right?

OK, so then you want a business that keeps the Riff Raff out and only permits those with true desire in (keep out the posers, tire kickers & get rich quick seekers; they do not deserve it) by putting them through an acid test, then, if they qualify, let them see the true opportunity.

The Reverse Funnel System is not perfect, but it certainly is opening the doors of opportunity to succeed for the desire saturated the non-skeptic (yes, even some of us skeptics), the person who has "seen everything" and failed at most of it, but chooses to keep pursuing success and of course the home business entrepreneur who is tired of "making" his or her team duplicate, etc.

Here is the thing, if you want to really see the system we have here, you are going to start by paying me $50 for that privilege, not just to take your money (yes, that does pay for some of my marketing expenses) but more so, to ensure to me that you are truly serious. I will even ask you to fill out a survey because I want to know more about who I am working with.

You will do all of this before we ever speak, in fact, we may never speak because if you fail my acid test, you will not have the opportunity to get that far.

If you are one of the few that do make it to the other side ( I have likely already lost the weaklings by now) then you will still have a final test to pass if you want to use my system.

This is why the Duplication is so incredible in this business system; we only let those that are certain to succeed behind the curtain in the first place. Will that happen for you? That all depends now on you and your level of desire to achieve true success.

You will succeed here, guaranteed, as there is no way in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks that you could fail if you use our system, as nobody with true desire ever quits until success is theirs.

Do You Have What It Takes?

We will see...


A Home Business Opportunity For The Blind, Deaf And Dumb

FINALLY! A Home Business Opportunity for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb; not to mention any of a dozen other disabilities that until now have held capable people back from attaining their peak financial potential.

For too long home business models sponsored success only for those that could "walk the walk and talk the talk."

Using the Reverse Funnel System; you do not need to walk, or talk, to make your mark.

Welcome, with open arms a Business System that does not depend on your ability to see, hear, or speak, all you have to do is place ads and the system takes care of the selling, telling and explaining for you.

There have been times in the past, when I was responding to people with disabilities and felt bad because unless they could see, hear and speak, they simply could not succeed at the same level because their personal involvement was required to "lead" their business utilizing all senses, not just the ones available to them.

Come and see how this business system will assist people with physical disabilities in becomming successful.

This is not only A Home Business Opportunity For The Blind, Deaf And Dumb, but a business for everyone that has desire to succeed.

How To Succeed In Home Business Without Negative Marketing

Before I get into this article, I just want to address the number one reason why people are failing in home businesses today...

Negative Marketing Campaigns

I am always amazed when I see countless "mine is better than yours" marketing going on and that business is a scam, or that marketer is a scumbag.

C'mon people, there are plenty of fish in the sea, if your company or program is so good, then let it stand on it's own merit, focus on marketing your business as best you can and forget about slandering the other guy.

This is really important...

Please understand, there are virtually no scams on the market these days, just businesses that are being marketed by some people that are working to build a home business, so they do not have to go into their job anymore.

Yes, there are a couple scams out there, but they are overwhelmingly obvious and unless you are a total desperate and ignorant, you will not participate in any of them; like money order check cashing (cash this check and send me back the difference) and others have no products where only money moves around, aka Ponzi, or Pyramid Schemes.

Please understand that as long as a business has a product, a fair compensation plan and some training to back it all up, then you are likely getting started with a credible company.

That being said, this does not mean that you will be successful just because you got started in a successful company; you will still be required to put your own blood, sweat and tears into developing and maintaining your business, if you don't, expect to fail at it.

OK, now here is what you need to do to succeed in Home Business...

There are systems that need to be followed for you to succeed; depending on the company you align yourself with, the systems will be all kinda different, but the principles are typically the same.

Consider the product(s) you are going to be representing; would you use it yourself? Is it a product that will truly provide a greater use value to the person than the cash value they paid for it?

If you can truly answer yes, then it will be something that you are likely going to be excited to speak with people about.

Now, if you are going to be marketing a company or product where you benefit and everyone you bring on gets screwed, then you are likely not going to be around for a while because people that act this way, tend to get exposed quickly and nobody wants to deal with them.

Finally, when you are marketing your business, say all the good you can about your company and your product and nothing bad about your competition. Smear campaigns may work in politics, but in business it is not called for.

So here is what I am doing...

I am very happy with and excited about the Reverse Funnel System, it is a simple marketing system that employs a number of proven marketing methods that ensure only the serious apply and these people tend to develop serious results.

People here, well those that are working their businesses, including myself, are having great results and making thousand dollar profits off of each sale we make and we make a thousand dollar profit off of each sale made by our enrolled and qualifier affiliates, so be sure to take a serious, no risk look at what is possible for you here.

So if you are considering dealing with a good company with great products, check out http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca and I will see you on the other side.

The Big Reverse Funnel System Scam - Truth Revealed!

Read And Heed This Warning...

You will learn that people are really not making $5,000 per week, they are actually making way more than that...this is faulty advertising... I guess, but I am sure that there will be a bunch of people pissed off because the Reverse Funnel System is under promising and over delivering.

Damn Them!

Furthermore, this does take work; they talk about this being a real business that requires real work, who are they to tell the truth, who are they to suggest that you can't get something for nothing!

C'mon, we are all just looking for a free ride, right? We tend to start with the businesses that sell the free ride idea to us, then get pissed off when they do turn out to be a scam.

Wouldn't it just be so much easier for someone to just go out and get a job, where they can work fifty to sixty hours a week for a fifth of what they are worth?

Let's all just forget about being entrepreneurs and just go back to working like dogs; never seeing our families because that is what all our broke friends are telling us to do.

I mean really, what's this all about?

Free Enterprise... Ha!

Being a slave to a job is the way to go, just ask any of the senior citizens working in McDonalds; they busted their buts for years and when it was time to retire, they decided to just go back to work for some teenage manager and get put on early morning shifts, that nobody else wants. Why not?...These seniors have nothing better to do; they do not have any money to travel, or live out their Golden Years with anything, so they might as well go to the grave flipping burgers.

No way should you work for yourself! Money is not for everyone, just those lazy rich people!!!

Why should we believe what these scam artists are telling us anyways, especially when they are having people make way more than they advertise.

We should all take the stand to be broke and lead miserable lives and carry on the legacy set in motion for us since the industrial revolution.

Power to the poor people!

So do not visit or join the Reverse Funnel System unless you want to be working with a bunch of people telling a bunch of lies about how bad working a job is because after all, they will only make you rich and you don't want that, right?

Stay away from this scam and go back to the job that pays you so well, the job that you have nothing but good things to say about and gives you all the time with your family that you deserve to have. I mean, who needs to travel around the World, play golf two times a week and go to the boat launch when everyone else is at work.

That would just be stupid!


Phase 2: How To Separate The Wheat From The Chaff

In marketing any business, or opportunity, you are always need to know how to separate the wheat from the chaff. Your goal is to become an effective marketer of your program/product or service.

The best way to determine what is wheat and what is chaff, is to study where you are getting your leads from and how effective the sources are, compared to how much money and / or time you are spending.

If you are marketing on the internet, the best way is to use both Unique Tracking URL's and Conversion Codes. These will serve you two ways:
  1. The Unique Tracking URL will show you how many visits to your site and will help you work out your conversion form leads to sales you have.
  2. The Conversion Codes will give you advertiser specific detail, like what keywords, key phrases, or URL's are generating the best leads for you and which ones are just wasting your money.
Using both methods also allows you to double check that the supplier of your internet marketing is providing you with everything that you have asked for, offers you proof of delivery.

Now, if you are using more traditional methods of marketing like a newspaper, magazine, etc, then you will want to determine what you want people to be doing; if you want them to go to your website, then do not give a phone number and vise versa.

The best way to market these days is to put a website in your ad and forget about the phone number because most people have access to a computer on the internet and they are more likely to visit a website than to dial an 800 or long distance number.

Using one of these traditional methods, you would be better served using a unique website URL that is forwarded to your tracking URL for your website. The reason I suggest using a unique website URL is that anytime you place a website with a tracking code in it, often times they will enter the website without the code and potentially your lead will go into the ether.

Now that you know what advertising is working and what advertising is not, you keep the advertising in place that is producing results at a reasonable rate (it should cost you less than a third of what you are making) and fire the rest of your marketing methods.

Know this; you are always wanting to add and remove methods of marketing as the landscape is always changing.

To market your business without having to do most of the work, check out the Reverse Funnel System: Click Here

Stay Tuned for Phase 3: "Duplication: How To Develop Your Team"

Did you miss Phase 1? Get It Here

Learn How You Can Generate Leads For Free

There is a marketing method available to every marketer on the Internet that has been perfected; today, YOU are going to learn how you can generate leads for free.

This marketing method is called "Funded Proposals."

How this works is quite simple. Initially what you do is develop high converting, lead capture pages and just collect the name and email of a potential prospect; to ensure success with this, make sure you present a fantastic "offer" (a special report) that is something that will be of value to the prospect so it is worth it to them to take the next step.

Next, give them the information right away, so they can immediately benefit from the information, this builds trust and shows that you are a person of your word, but is also shows that you know what you are talking about.

By this point, you have proven yourself to be trust worthy and someone that knows their stuff, you now have an opportunity to open a door of opportunity to your prospect.

Be sure to do something that will filter out the tire kickers / time wasters by inserting a small cost ($50-$75) to move forward, this is the "funded" part of the "funded proposal." The money that you collect at this point will be enough money that you end up generating your leads for free, as long as your copy writing is up to snuff.

At this point your prospect converts into a "Paid Lead" and is by far much higher on your list of people that you will want to spend your time with and share ever more information with. You see, there are just so many "wanna be's" that are just all talk and no action, spend time with the people that take action, these are the people you want to really help, these are the people that deserve more in their lives, these are the people that do not expect something for nothing.

Finally, you make your offer and if it is what they are looking for, great, you have a new business partner, if not, be sure to offer them their $50 -$75 back and be sure to honor that request if one ever comes along.

That's it!

If you would like to see exactly how it works; then learn how you can generate leads for free here: http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca. There may even be an opportunity for you to use this system for yourself.

Phase 1: Momentum - How You Create The Wheel Of Success

There are many things that can get a business from one level to the next, the best way it to develop one thing quickly, Momentum. In this Blog entry, I will show you how you create the wheel of success.

Momentum is something that takes some time to get going, but when in motion, it is almost self propelled. That being said, it does take some work to get the rocket off the launch pad, but it is nice when the work does not include having to speak with people about a business, or product that you are new to yourself.

YOU develop momentum in your business and if you are smart and just starting out, you develop a business in partnership with a 100% Automated System that is already demonstrating great momentum in other individuals businesses.

So, to develop your own momentum, you have to fire up the rockets, you have to really focus your energies at getting as many people as possible to see what it is that you have, this will develop phase 1, your base.

Phase 1: Develop Your Base

If you have never operated a home business before, it is important to 'get the word out' about what it is you are doing in both your circle of influence (warm market) and your external circle of influence (cold market) this is done any number of ways, here are a few categories to focus on:
  • Advertising - Web, Newspapers, Magazines, etc. (Learn How To Market Your Business, Click Here)
  • Sphere Of Influence Marketing - just let people know what you are doing, don't try to convince (sell) them on joining your business.
  • Personal Contact Marketing - move about your life and when you share 'what you do' just say that you would like to explain what it is you do, but rather show them your system if they really want to know.
Advertising your business is an integral part of developing momentum and is necessary to sustain momentum too. A strange thing happens if you do not market your business...Nothing!

Sphere Of Influence Marketing: this is really powerful, especially when you are just giving everyone an "update" rather than saying "hey, I think you would be really great at this" because they will likely take a look at it, but only if they are not put into a position where they feel they have to either give you an opinion, or have to say yes or no.

Personal Contact Marketing is basically opportunities that present themselves to people every single day. These conversations happen everywhere, if you are open to speaking with strangers. The best personal contact marketing opening line is still "hello" as it is common and not offensive. If a person moans at your gesture of kindness, instead of returning hello, then the conversation is over. If they return it with a friendly hello, then just start asking simple questions about them, like:
  • Are you from around here?
  • What do you do for work?
  • How long have you been doing that?
  • Do you like it?
  • Are you open to looking at other things?
  • Great, here is my card, this could be something you could be interested in.
Regardless of how you do it, remember, people are living in their comfort zones and just like the Falcon, sometimes something big has to happen in their lives for them to make a change; a Falcon will not learn to fly until it is pushed out of the nest by it's mother.

Your job is to simply find out who is at the point in their lives where they either need to spread their wings and fly, or hit the rocks below.

Really, the name of the game to get things going is Momentum, you are responsible to create the wheel of success in your own business.

If you are ready to fly, visit this site; http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca

We will discuss Phase 2: "How To Separate The Wheat From The Chaff."

The Funniest Thing Happened

We were dog-sitting "Mitzi" for my parents and the funniest thing happened; our Love Bird "Milli" (short for Millionaire) jumped on the side of Mitzi, as she walked by the bird who was wondering around the house.

This bizarre occurrence was caught out of the corner of my wife's eye, she thought that Milli was in Mitzi's mouth and proceeded to chase the dog with a frantic pace, screaming to get my attention as she ran downstairs.

Meanwhile, I am downstairs and hear this commotion going on and look to the bottom of the stairs to see that Milli was riding Mitzi like a horse.

Well, Mitzi did not appreciate her uninvited passenger and continued to run. I can only presume that the faster Mitzi ran, the harder the bird dug in to hold on.

This whole thing escalated to the point where Mitzi started jumping up and down, while running in a circle, trying to "buck" the bird off her back.

As we observed this, the laughter started to get louder and louder, as everyone was now witnessing the event; knowing now that the the worst had not happened, as Milli was not in Mitzi's mouth, we could somewhat relax and enjoy the situation, well all of us except Mitzi and Milli that is.

Eventually we cornered Mitzi, removed Milli from her back and things returned back to normal.

Now, here we are in November and this story was brought to my attention when my youngest daughter reflected on this event when I asked her the question, what was one of her funniest memories.

I just thought I would share with you a story that happened on a weekday, in our house around lunch time.

We got to witness this hilarious event in the summertime, when the kids were home, well, so were we. We decided to take a calculated risk, follow a simple system that is proven to work and get to truly experience living our life to the fullest.

Our lives are worth more than any job, and if you are currently working for someone else, missing out on times like these with your family, you are simply trading your life for a paycheck.

Make a decision to live life on your terms, put yourself in the position that you too can write a Blog telling others about how the funniest thing happened in your life.

Things like this happen at home or abroad while everyone else is at work.

Take some time to see how you can use this system to get your life back; start earning thousand dollar profits from home today and scrap your job:

What If You Make $3K - $5K Per Week

Have you ever thought about what is possible for you; what if you make $3K - $5K Per Week?

Really, what would you do if you did?

Allow you mind to go free for a moment, play with this for a little bit.

What you would you do with the money?

OK, lets get past the common things, that everyone seems to spout out first:
  • Pay off debt
  • Buy, or pay-off a house
  • Buy a car
  • Travel
Yeah-Yeah-Yeah...Now What?

What will your life be like if you really started to make $3K - $5K Per Week?

Remember, a bit of time has past and you no longer have any debt, you own your house, you own your car, so all of your big bills are gone, so now what???

Here is an important thing for you to know, if you do not allow yourself the opportunity to let your mind go here, you will never create a reason for the money to come into your life!

So let go, grab a piece of paper...


Write out the things you could start to do, here are some ideas:
  • Learn to fly a plane.
  • Buy a 72" HDTV.
  • Get a boat.
  • Purchase a horse for your daughter.
  • Drive a race car.
  • Donate $10,000 to a charity of your choice.
  • Take all your friends out to dinner, one set at a time and pick up the bill.
  • Shop Louis Vuitton.
  • Buy a diamond from Tiffany's.
  • See a Broadway Show (when the strike is over).
  • Rent a private jet, fly to Vegas and place a single $5,000 bet on the roulette table.
Create your own list, have fun with it, you deserve everything on the list, now here is how you will make $3K - $5K Per Week:

The Exact Details Of My Simple And Proven Reverse Funnel System

What's most amazing is there are almost no computer skills required… and yet you can start pulling in CASH automatically within just a few hours;

“I'm About To Share With A Select Few, The Exact Details Of My Simple And Proven 'Reverse Funnel System' That Quickly And Simply Puts $5,000 to $10,000 In Many Students' Pockets EVERY WEEK!”

"I am absolutely convinced that my proven System, will create massive wealth for virtually anyone regardless of your background, education, or even your current level of income... I'm going to Prove it!"

Here Is A Way I Pay It Forward

I remember when I first learned about the "Pay It Forward" principle, it was simple, just go out there and give three random acts of kindness on complete strangers and do not expect anything in return for it.

Here is a clip from the movie: "Pay It Forward"

Now, I challenge you, it is easy to watch the movie clip, but will you take the effort to put it into practice?

Paying It Forward is just an idea, until you choose to take action on it.

Talk is cheap and as they say, it only takes a small idea, pass it on to others and the World becomes a better place.

I would like to Pay It Forward to you with this opportunity that was paid forward to me.

Take action, Pay It Forward today!

Find Out How The Reverse Funnel System Works

Let's keep this really simple, just come visit our site, http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca and go through the funnel.

Yep...That's it!

What you will do, is see the EXACT system that is available to you; if you are sold on the process and the product, then that is personal proof that this system works. If it does not get you cranked up, check your pulse, you may be dead.

So, go to http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca now and see how this system will make you your own Thousand Dollar Profits.

See ya on the other side!

Six Reasons Why Network Marketers Fail

The six reasons why network marketers fail is fairly simple:
  1. They do not treat their business like a business.
  2. They do not own the product that they sell.
  3. They do not follow the system that is taught to succeed.
  4. They never advertise (tell anyone) their business, product, or opportunity.
  5. They are under capitalized.
  6. They only market and represent one business.
These are all quite important, but number six is one of the most important but often times one of the most frowned upon. In fact, there are some companies that will kick you out of their business (they basically fire you) if you market anything other than their companies product, or service.

Every business has it's up's and down's, when you are diversified, you will see that you can earn money in one, while the other is in a down cycle. So when you are picking the business, companies or products to represent, be sure to find ones that do not conflict with each other, ones that you can market as a total solution to peoples problems and ones that you can make a boatload of money with when you market them properly.

If you position yourself as an individual that can show people multiple streams of income at the same time, you will be building a list of customers that will be purchasing more than one product or service off of you.

The good news is, this is win-win; your customers are receiving a great opportunity from you and multiple income streams at the same time.

Now, there is a couple ways you can approach this; you can put together multiple marketing campaigns, develop ad copy, websites, etc. Or you can choose to use the Reverse Funnel System to market multiple products, or services for you at the exact same time.

The Reverse Funnel System is a multiple product / service marketing machine!

People are willing to spend their money, they are actually quite willing to risk their money too, as long as there is a chance of a great payoff; they just want to be sure that they are not wasting their money, or spending their time doing something that they cannot believe in themselves.

Worst of all, if people feel they will look stupid somehow, then they are sure to keep their wallets in their pockets.

That is why the Reverse Funnel System was created; to give people a place they can succeed:
  • simply make money
  • not a great risk
  • has a great payoff
  • multiple products and services
  • Best of all it is a system that eliminates the biggest areas of failure as the system does all of the selling, telling and explaining, you never have to.
Systems Work, People Fail...It's That Simple!

You've heard about the success stories...now it's your turn to become one!

Get started with the Reverse Funnel System today and eliminate the six reasons why Network Marketers fail!

Click Here Now

How Internet Businesses Work

There is a difference on how a traditional businesses works and how Internet businesses work.

Traditional businesses require a complex infrastructure, with many weak spots and failure systems that are inherent in them.

Think about this for a moment...

If the boss, manager, company owner, or supervisor is not around, then employee production drops off.

I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, there are some dedicated worker bees out there, but for the most part, employees are just trying to find ways to slack off.

The ways this is done can be quite creative, but some of the more common ones are:
  • Extending out coffee breaks / lunch breaks
  • Showing up late and leaving early (if this was not a concern, there would not be punch clocks)
  • Smoke breaks
  • Water cooler "chats"
  • Bathroom breaks outside of Coffee / Lunch breaks (usually because all of the water cooler water)
  • Email jokes
  • The "company floater" who strikes up a conversation with anyone.
  • Personal phone calls
  • And my personal favorite: surfing the Internet (like reading Blogs when you should be doing your job, ha, caught you ;)
Look, if you have ever done any one of the things I have listed, then you are not a worker bee and likely, would rather be doing almost anything other than working, you just want it to actually work.

Now, in contrast, this is How Internet Businesses Work:
  • Self employed people do the work (because they profit)
  • Nobody has to ask someone to do their business. (they do it or fail)
    • No clock watching
    • No boss breathing down your neck
  • Total time flexibility (no time clock)
    • You can go to the bathroom when and as often as you want
  • Location flexibility (can be operated from anywhere in the World)
  • Earning Potential is unlimited
    • Not having to generate corporate profit (you do know that you make probably 4X for the company you work for over what you are currently being paid)
    • No Boss telling you what you are worth
    • Double, Triple, Quadruple your income, or more, it is your choice!
Hopefully you see how internet businesses work now over a job and maybe now you can see why people ARE having such great success at them; they are just having so much fun!

Join our Reverse Funnel System and really see how internet businesses work for people like you!

Reverse Funnel System Results

There are some very substantial results being attained in the funnel, last time I checked, the Reverse Funnel System Results showed almost $4,000,000 paid out in commissions in the last few months, it will be higher, so go check it out to see how much has been earned since this posting.

Go Here Now!

You can become one of the wealthy people!

This is so simple, it really is, in fact, the only thing that I do to generate business is place a few simple ads, in a variety of high Internet traffic areas (the system will show you how) and that drives people to this website and the Reverse Funnel System takes care of the rest.

So if you want to start to get some Reverse Funnel System Results, then get started today, go through the Reverse Funnel System yourself, just click here and reveal to yourself how you will become one of the wealthy people.

Millionaires in the making, see for yourself: http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca

Never Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

All the wise business people suggest that you never put all your eggs in one basket; this is where you get some added security with the Reverse Funnel System.

You see, the Reverse Funnel System (RFS) markets multiple products, so you are never depending on a single companies product or service. You are utilizing a system of marketing that allows you to market multiple products at the same time.

You are properly diversified and protected.

The RFS is the first company I have seen that truly embraces the essence of entrepreneurship; "find a need and fill it" while offering the mentoring and support (Inner Circle) that new entrepreneurs require to become successful.

If you have ever participated in a home business opportunity in the past, you know that it is often frowned upon to be working multiple opportunities; this is "Old School Thinking" in the age of the Internet and mass communication; the old school culture of "uni-business" is developed to have you only thinking about the company you are representing.


You got into your own businesses for your own success, right? Not just the success of company you are working with.



True entrepreneurs are in business for themselves and should operate their business as a way of making money; "company loyalty" is operating your business with "employee mentality" and is completely opposite of how you should be operating your business.

Look, it is your business to get as rich as you can as fast as you can; having the best marketing system to move as much product and or service for you as quickly as possible is what every entrepreneur sets out to do.

This is exactly why the Reverse Funnel System was created.

So, if you want to be a real business owner, then never put all your eggs in one basket, move as much product or service that you can and get as rich as you can as fast as you can using the Reverse Funnel System to market your business and the inner circle to mentor you to success.

Ten Benefits Of A 100% Automated System

Let's discuss ten benefits of a 100% automated system...

First of all, let's get something out in the open: Systems Work...People Fail, It's That Simple!

Well, then since that is the case, the less that people can do to cause their business to fail, the more success they are going to have.

The thing is, success in business is often thwarted by the good intentions of ignorant, new business people, who quite unknowingly cause their potential clients to run away with their wallet buried deep in their pockets.

Understand, people contact is a necessary component, but why not introduce the human factor after the sale is made.

After all, most people in home business just want to get out of their jobs and into a business that they cannot make fools of themselves with and lose a bunch of money.

There is no glory in looking stupid!

Simply put, the solution to embarrassment is the Reverse Funnel System it is a 100% automated selling machine that allows a relationship to be built online and does not allow for the interference of the buying process by unskilled sales people.

This system is really going to make you look intelligent!

Now that you can operate the sales end of your business from a place of consistency, all that has to be done to succeed, is to place enough people in front of the Reverse Funnel System and allow it to do all the work for you.

Imagine, the Thousand Dollar Profits just keep showing up at your house because you let the system do the work for you.

So lets review some of the benefits of a 100% automated system:
  1. Communication with the potential customer is consistent and instantaneous.
  2. Websites, audios and emails can be adjusted and improved to gain incremental improvements - increasing sales.
  3. Works and never will quit - No Employees.
  4. No sales calls are required to be done by you.
  5. No emails or website copy has to be written by you.
  6. 100% mobile; you can be anywhere in the world and it is making money for you.
  7. Great opportunity for people with disabilities (speech, hearing, eye site, etc.)
  8. No team support (emails, calls, motivation, etc.) is required, as there is little, or nothing to teach.
  9. 24 hour operation, so you even make money while you sleep.
  10. More time to live your life, be with family and enjoy the fruits of your labors.
So there are 10, I could keep going, but I am sure you can see the benefit of this for yourself.

You can take advantage and implement the benefits of a 100% Automated System now and begin to earn Thousand Dollar Profits right away. Click Here to visit our website and get to know Ty Coughlin yourself.

The Reverse Funnel System

You have likely heard about the Reverse Funnel System and the power it is having at building Thousand Dollar Profits utilizing the most simplest of systems.

As we say on our site "Systems Work, People Fail... It's That Simple!"

Oh baby, does this system work!

The best way for us to explain how this all works is for you to experience it yourself, so to do this, simply visit the Reverse Funnel System Website and simply put, if the system works for you, then you can work the system.

Good News...

You will never have to speak with anyone, never have to host a meeting, book a conference call, or "sell" this to anybody; all you will need to focus on is what you are spending all your Thousand Dollar Profits on.

So, now it is up to you to follow the funnel; check out the Reverse Funnel System and begin to earn your Thousand Dollar Profits today!

No Fail Proven System! Details Revealed Here...
