The reason so many people are getting started in their own businesses at this time of year is they pay less in taxes.
When you start a business and buy your own product in 2007, you are able to write it off as a business expense and although you are benefiting from the product, you are able to write off the money spent against the taxes you have paid, or would have paid on the cash outlaid for that product.
Smart business people are always looking for tax write-offs, so naturally they will find ways to personally benefit while getting their tax breaks.
I would like to ensure that you do this right, so be certain to run all this by your accountant to ensure that you are doing things to your best advantage.
So, if you would like top pay less in taxes this year and have more buying power with your money. Get into a business and buy your own products.
Here is a great business, with a great product for you to get started on:
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