Lead Generation - How The Reverse Funnel System Can Market Your Opportunity

Coming from a point of logic, if you generate leads, you may as well get as much mileage from your lead generation as possible; if someone does not want what you are offering, then offer them something else.

The Reverse Funnel System has an incredible way of doing just that!

Have a quick listen to this audio I did, in a few minutes you will understand how to make this work for you; lower your costs and increase your personal profits without changing opportunities.

(by the way, try Audio Acrobat for free, it is cool)

Now you know how you can get 4 times the number of leads with the same markting budget and how to offer multiple products / services to the exact same lead base, giving them many opportunities to buy from you. This is profiting from Lead Generation made easy...

Pay Less In Taxes

The reason so many people are getting started in their own businesses at this time of year is they pay less in taxes.

When you start a business and buy your own product in 2007, you are able to write it off as a business expense and although you are benefiting from the product, you are able to write off the money spent against the taxes you have paid, or would have paid on the cash outlaid for that product.

Smart business people are always looking for tax write-offs, so naturally they will find ways to personally benefit while getting their tax breaks.

I would like to ensure that you do this right, so be certain to run all this by your accountant to ensure that you are doing things to your best advantage.

So, if you would like top pay less in taxes this year and have more buying power with your money. Get into a business and buy your own products.

Here is a great business, with a great product for you to get started on:

Reverse Mortgage Or Reverse Funnel System?

If you are in the position in your life where you are seriously looking to reverse mortgage your home... STOP!

There is a much better way than eating up the equity in your home.

You can still be retired and earn money, while you travel the World and live the wonderful life of retirement that you worked so hard for.

We are retired and were looking into getting access to more money, we considered a reverse mortgage. It seemed like a good idea, then we thought instead about adding money into our pot, instead of dipping into the one we had.

We did not want the typical home business; you know, they say you work 15 - 20 hours per week and end up working more than at a job...

You know what I mean, we have all done those before. :(

Although we set a specific criteria, for two years fell into the trap that I just described, until recently! We found the Reverse Funnel System; a program that is 100% Automated and the only work we put into it is simply the advertising of the initial site (click here to see what it looks like) and the system takes care of the rest.

Recently we took ourselves to Australia, Hawaii and Mexico and in the last couple years have been to South Africa and London too. Every time we went away, we found ourselves having to play catch up with our business when we got home.

Man, is momentum hard to re-gain.

We are currently planning a trip to Rome, Italy in March, a couple of months after we return home from a Cruise, but we will be able to have our marketing work taken care of ahead of time and simply look to our bank account and see the money coming in.

This is not a get rich scheme, it does take concentrated efforts, but the good news is, it does produce high, thousand dollar profits off of a system that does not depend on me moving it along. After I get people started in the front end of the funnel, the Reverse Funnel System takes them through the rest.

Now we are truly mobile, we can live our lives and make some good money to support a fabulous lifestyle without eating the kids inheritance.

The question was Reverse Mortgage Or Reverse Funnel System. If I were you, I would choose: http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca

PS. We are just a couple of Baby Boomer's who found a simple business that only takes a couple hours each day to do. My hours are completely flexible and so is the locations that I can work from anywhere I choose to go. We get to live this lifestyle thanks to the Reverse Funnel System

10 Things You Need To Do To Succeed In Business

  1. Take Action
  2. Take Action
  3. Take Action
  4. Take Action
  5. Take Action
  6. Take Action
  7. Take Action
  8. Take Action
  9. Take Action
  10. Repeat
Take Action Now, Click Here:
http://www.Reverse FunnelSystem.ca

Phase 3: "Duplication: How To Develop Your Team"

The real key to success in business is leverage, or commonly referred to in the home business industry as "Duplication." In this Blog, you will learn how to develop your team with the Reverse Funnel System in a way that up until now took hours of work and effort on your part and is seen and referred to as one of the largest sink holes for the home business entrepreneur.

Let's take a quick peek at how this whole thing works; you find a business to do, start doing it, get good at it, find some people that are willing to do it too, then comes years of hand holding, coaching, mentoring, counseling and so on just to keep these people in your business.


That sounds worse than a crappy job, right?

A perfect business is one that is, well, perfect, so let's just forget about that fantasy.

There are no perfect businesses out there, if there were, then "everyone would be doing it and then it would be saturated"; the last guy in would get skru'd right?

OK, so then you want a business that keeps the Riff Raff out and only permits those with true desire in (keep out the posers, tire kickers & get rich quick seekers; they do not deserve it) by putting them through an acid test, then, if they qualify, let them see the true opportunity.

The Reverse Funnel System is not perfect, but it certainly is opening the doors of opportunity to succeed for the desire saturated the non-skeptic (yes, even some of us skeptics), the person who has "seen everything" and failed at most of it, but chooses to keep pursuing success and of course the home business entrepreneur who is tired of "making" his or her team duplicate, etc.

Here is the thing, if you want to really see the system we have here, you are going to start by paying me $50 for that privilege, not just to take your money (yes, that does pay for some of my marketing expenses) but more so, to ensure to me that you are truly serious. I will even ask you to fill out a survey because I want to know more about who I am working with.

You will do all of this before we ever speak, in fact, we may never speak because if you fail my acid test, you will not have the opportunity to get that far.

If you are one of the few that do make it to the other side ( I have likely already lost the weaklings by now) then you will still have a final test to pass if you want to use my system.

This is why the Duplication is so incredible in this business system; we only let those that are certain to succeed behind the curtain in the first place. Will that happen for you? That all depends now on you and your level of desire to achieve true success.

You will succeed here, guaranteed, as there is no way in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks that you could fail if you use our system, as nobody with true desire ever quits until success is theirs.

Do You Have What It Takes?

We will see...


A Home Business Opportunity For The Blind, Deaf And Dumb

FINALLY! A Home Business Opportunity for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb; not to mention any of a dozen other disabilities that until now have held capable people back from attaining their peak financial potential.

For too long home business models sponsored success only for those that could "walk the walk and talk the talk."

Using the Reverse Funnel System; you do not need to walk, or talk, to make your mark.

Welcome, with open arms a Business System that does not depend on your ability to see, hear, or speak, all you have to do is place ads and the system takes care of the selling, telling and explaining for you.

There have been times in the past, when I was responding to people with disabilities and felt bad because unless they could see, hear and speak, they simply could not succeed at the same level because their personal involvement was required to "lead" their business utilizing all senses, not just the ones available to them.

Come and see how this business system will assist people with physical disabilities in becomming successful.

This is not only A Home Business Opportunity For The Blind, Deaf And Dumb, but a business for everyone that has desire to succeed.

No Fail Proven System! Details Revealed Here...
