Momentum is something that takes some time to get going, but when in motion, it is almost self propelled. That being said, it does take some work to get the rocket off the launch pad, but it is nice when the work does not include having to speak with people about a business, or product that you are new to yourself.
YOU develop momentum in your business and if you are smart and just starting out, you develop a business in partnership with a 100% Automated System that is already demonstrating great momentum in other individuals businesses.
So, to develop your own momentum, you have to fire up the rockets, you have to really focus your energies at getting as many people as possible to see what it is that you have, this will develop phase 1, your base.
Phase 1: Develop Your Base
If you have never operated a home business before, it is important to 'get the word out' about what it is you are doing in both your circle of influence (warm market) and your external circle of influence (cold market) this is done any number of ways, here are a few categories to focus on:
- Advertising - Web, Newspapers, Magazines, etc. (Learn How To Market Your Business, Click Here)
- Sphere Of Influence Marketing - just let people know what you are doing, don't try to convince (sell) them on joining your business.
- Personal Contact Marketing - move about your life and when you share 'what you do' just say that you would like to explain what it is you do, but rather show them your system if they really want to know.
Sphere Of Influence Marketing: this is really powerful, especially when you are just giving everyone an "update" rather than saying "hey, I think you would be really great at this" because they will likely take a look at it, but only if they are not put into a position where they feel they have to either give you an opinion, or have to say yes or no.
Personal Contact Marketing is basically opportunities that present themselves to people every single day. These conversations happen everywhere, if you are open to speaking with strangers. The best personal contact marketing opening line is still "hello" as it is common and not offensive. If a person moans at your gesture of kindness, instead of returning hello, then the conversation is over. If they return it with a friendly hello, then just start asking simple questions about them, like:
- Are you from around here?
- What do you do for work?
- How long have you been doing that?
- Do you like it?
- Are you open to looking at other things?
- Great, here is my card, this could be something you could be interested in.
Your job is to simply find out who is at the point in their lives where they either need to spread their wings and fly, or hit the rocks below.
Really, the name of the game to get things going is Momentum, you are responsible to create the wheel of success in your own business.
If you are ready to fly, visit this site;
We will discuss Phase 2: "How To Separate The Wheat From The Chaff."
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