How Internet Businesses Work

There is a difference on how a traditional businesses works and how Internet businesses work.

Traditional businesses require a complex infrastructure, with many weak spots and failure systems that are inherent in them.

Think about this for a moment...

If the boss, manager, company owner, or supervisor is not around, then employee production drops off.

I am not tarring everyone with the same brush, there are some dedicated worker bees out there, but for the most part, employees are just trying to find ways to slack off.

The ways this is done can be quite creative, but some of the more common ones are:
  • Extending out coffee breaks / lunch breaks
  • Showing up late and leaving early (if this was not a concern, there would not be punch clocks)
  • Smoke breaks
  • Water cooler "chats"
  • Bathroom breaks outside of Coffee / Lunch breaks (usually because all of the water cooler water)
  • Email jokes
  • The "company floater" who strikes up a conversation with anyone.
  • Personal phone calls
  • And my personal favorite: surfing the Internet (like reading Blogs when you should be doing your job, ha, caught you ;)
Look, if you have ever done any one of the things I have listed, then you are not a worker bee and likely, would rather be doing almost anything other than working, you just want it to actually work.

Now, in contrast, this is How Internet Businesses Work:
  • Self employed people do the work (because they profit)
  • Nobody has to ask someone to do their business. (they do it or fail)
    • No clock watching
    • No boss breathing down your neck
  • Total time flexibility (no time clock)
    • You can go to the bathroom when and as often as you want
  • Location flexibility (can be operated from anywhere in the World)
  • Earning Potential is unlimited
    • Not having to generate corporate profit (you do know that you make probably 4X for the company you work for over what you are currently being paid)
    • No Boss telling you what you are worth
    • Double, Triple, Quadruple your income, or more, it is your choice!
Hopefully you see how internet businesses work now over a job and maybe now you can see why people ARE having such great success at them; they are just having so much fun!

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