I am always amazed when I see countless "mine is better than yours" marketing going on and that business is a scam, or that marketer is a scumbag.
C'mon people, there are plenty of fish in the sea, if your company or program is so good, then let it stand on it's own merit, focus on marketing your business as best you can and forget about slandering the other guy.
This is really important...
Please understand, there are virtually no scams on the market these days, just businesses that are being marketed by some people that are working to build a home business, so they do not have to go into their job anymore.
Yes, there are a couple scams out there, but they are overwhelmingly obvious and unless you are a total desperate and ignorant, you will not participate in any of them; like money order check cashing (cash this check and send me back the difference) and others have no products where only money moves around, aka Ponzi, or Pyramid Schemes.
That being said, this does not mean that you will be successful just because you got started in a successful company; you will still be required to put your own blood, sweat and tears into developing and maintaining your business, if you don't, expect to fail at it.
OK, now here is what you need to do to succeed in Home Business...
Consider the product(s) you are going to be representing; would you use it yourself? Is it a product that will truly provide a greater use value to the person than the cash value they paid for it?
If you can truly answer yes, then it will be something that you are likely going to be excited to speak with people about.
Now, if you are going to be marketing a company or product where you benefit and everyone you bring on gets screwed, then you are likely not going to be around for a while because people that act this way, tend to get exposed quickly and nobody wants to deal with them.
Finally, when you are marketing your business, say all the good you can about your company and your product and nothing bad about your competition. Smear campaigns may work in politics, but in business it is not called for.
So here is what I am doing...
I am very happy with and excited about the Reverse Funnel System, it is a simple marketing system that employs a number of proven marketing methods that ensure only the serious apply and these people tend to develop serious results.
People here, well those that are working their businesses, including myself, are having great results and making thousand dollar profits off of each sale we make and we make a thousand dollar profit off of each sale made by our enrolled and qualifier affiliates, so be sure to take a serious, no risk look at what is possible for you here.
So if you are considering dealing with a good company with great products, check out http://www.ReverseFunnelSystem.ca and I will see you on the other side.